A downloadable game for Windows

This game Sunken is presented by the Good-4. Members:

Programmer: Xinyu Zhou, Game Designer: Cody Kempfer, Artist: Josie Ronk, and Producer:  Cynthia Wang

Once there was a god. The god protected their underlings; shivers of sharks and rafts of otters and schools fish and pods of dolphins and whales all lived in the reef and beyond under the watch of the benevolent deity. The sea creatures grew and produced generation after generation, some of whom evolved beyond their sea-dwelling bodies, and some of them remaining happy just as they were. The creatures venerated and worshiped their god, appreciating the protection they bestowed upon their territory, and being loved by the benevolent being in return. 

When their gills eventually closed up and disappeared, the ex-sea-creatures called upon their god and asked for a place they could live without constantly having to tread water or face drowning. The god heard their pleas, and responded by pulling up an island for the ex-sea-dwellers, and allowing them to evolve faster to live well on such a place. Decades passed, then centuries. Both the sea and the land environments grew and developed. Along with this progress, the god did their best to aid both groups, though having more dominion over the aquatic atmosphere than the terra firma. Due to this disparity, the land-dwellers industrialized more and more on their own accord, beyond the benefits of what the god could offer. In their increasingly rapid progress, they began polluting the very waters from which they came. Oil muddied the waters. Trash littered its surface. The aquatic expanse once occupied by populations too numerous to count became virtually uninhabitable, leaving the creatures to flee before being killed off. 

The god seethed.

The deserters must pay for forgetting their origins, for having the audacity to corrupt the domain from which they were birthed. 

The god summoned an entity they had aided from the depths. The oldest, most powerful being lurking on the ocean’s floor, one that had been grown, developed, refined from one of the smallest creatures they had watched over in the beginning. The being was more than happy to comply with their god’s call to aid.


x86_64-win32.zip 56 MB

Install instructions

Download the zip file


Find the exe file called "sunk" and open it


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